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ThermoChimie database version 11a released!
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- Elisenda Colasmail
Since 2000, Amphos 21 has been deeply involved in the development and maintenance of ThermoChimie, the database managed by Andra (France), Nuclear Waste Services (UK) and Ondraf/Niras (Belgium).

ThermoChimie version 11 contains significant updates on U, Np, Pu, Am/Cm, and Tc following the NEA-TDB update (Grenthe et al. 2020) and beyond. In addition, an exhaustive and accurate review of Fe thermodynamic properties has been carried out, using the NEA-TDB reviews (Lemire et al. 2013, 2020) and additional literature publications. Furthermore, PFlotran extraction has been newly added to the list of geochemical compatible codes.

Please stay tuned to the website http://www.thermochimie-tdb.com/ or contact consortium-tc3-tech@thermochimie-tdb.com for additional information.