Apps customized to your needs
Comsol apps take advantage of all the powerful modelling capabilities of Comsol without the requirement of being an advanced modeller.
As Comsol certified consultants, we offer all the modelling expertise for the development of a customized application tailored to your organization needs.

Source: SKB.com
Incredible app on your side
Customized 3D PDE-based apps
Intuitive and robust graphical user interface (GUI) with flexible settings:
- Modify your geometry
- Automatic accurate remeshing
- Change the boundary conditions
- Set different material properties
- 3D powerful viewer
- Customized plots and results

Boost your productivity
Increase your productivity by accelerating the design and operation using Comsol Apps.
Extend the use of numerical models to the whole company. The Comsol apps have a user-friendly interface that make numerical models accessible for non-expert users.
Use as many app instances as you need. These standalone applications do not require any type of license to be executed..

Standing on the shoulders of giants
Comsol Multiphysics® is powerful Finite Element software for the modelling and simulation of all kind of PDE-ADE physic systems in a coupled way.
Furthermore, external codes can also incorporated in the app.

Our Solution
Our team offers its expertise in all the stages of the development

Success Stories
We have experience developing apps for different users and markets, take a look at different examples.
Watch the video and get your idea of how a Comsol App may fit to your needs.
Check our Comsol application presented in scientific congress:
- Development of a COMSOL Application for the Efficient Evaluation of an Engineered Barrier System
- iCP Apps to Readily Solve Reactive Transport Simulations in COMSOL Multiphysics®
- A Computational App for a Proper Evaluation of the Irrigation Effect Over the Aquifers
Don’t hesitate to contact us at techlabs@amphos21.com if you have questions or you want to know more about them.